A Drop Of Water

Campaign Goal Rs. 1,000.00
Raised So Far Rs. 0
Start Date
Dec 26, 2017
End Date
Feb 28, 2018
Note: Rs. 1100 can feed a child for a year
Campaign Overview
A nation where 44% of children below 5 are underweight, a nation where 72% of infants are anemic, a nation where 14.5 million stunted children strive to get two squares meals a day. Isn't it a shame...? being educated, being socially conscious citizens can't we extend them a hand of life, a hand of survival, a hand of happiness? Do you know even Rs 950 can secure a healthy meal for a malnourished child for a year? On this occasion of Christmas let's pledge to fill every ravenous bowl, efface the shame, the stigma of being a citizen of one of the worst hunger-stricken nation in the world, LET'S DONATE....? (Akshaya Patra is an NGO that works to ensure a hunger-free nation by providing food to school children. a nation where children would be able to live its dream of peace and independence, let's not make money an obstacle, please donate)
Campaign Donors
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