Appeal To Do Your Bit To Help Children Fight Hunger

Campaign Goal Rs. 25,000.00
Raised So Far Rs. 0
Start Date
Nov 21, 2015
End Date
Jan 31, 2016
Note: Rs. 1100 can feed a child for a year
Campaign Overview
Hi There,
I am certain I don’t need to introduce you to Akshay Patra. Their deeds speak for themselves.
In our busy lives, we tend to not find time to review such wonderful programs and take that step to do our bit to help the society. It’s not that such programs require you to donate thousands of Rupees, just a few hundred rupees can feed 1 child for the whole year! I am mesmerized by their initiatives to help the underprivileged children fight hunger. If you take a few moments to view the efforts they have been making towards this good cause, I am certain your heart would melt.
I have been doing my bit to help the cause and thought you may want to consider it aswell. Take that small step today towards a good cause and I am certain you would feel greatly elated!
Warm Regards.
Ashwin Baliga
Campaign Donors
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