Campaign Goal Rs. 5,000.00
Raised So Far Rs. 0
Raised fund can feed 0 children/year
Start Date
Feb 23, 2016
End Date
Feb 25, 2016
Note: Rs. 1100 can feed a child for a year
Campaign Overview
WE CAN'T HELP EVERYONE, BUT EVERYONE CAN HELP SOMEONE.....please support our campaign to make the underprivileged children access to education, remove hunger and starvations.This little buds need our support to live their childhood.Providing these children with food and nutritious meals will make thier soul happy and their happiness will give happiness to we all.A smile on these growing buds is itself a feeling of serving humanity.Lets join together to atleast feed a child, providing important items of stationery,mosquito net, basic clothings and by whatever way you may help and donate.Your small participation will make in bigger achivement for these underpriviledged children.You can donate by whatever amount or important items.Thanks for standing up for a great cause for betterment of these children and society as well.
Campaign Donors
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