Celebrating Our Lil +1 Sumit & Anuja

Campaign Goal Rs. 75,000.00
Raised So Far Rs. 0
Start Date
Sep 03, 2018
End Date
Nov 30, 2018
Note: Rs. 1100 can feed a child for a year
Campaign Overview
Hello Friends & Family, We are thrilled to announce that our family is growing by One ;) Yayyy… Anxiously hoping to live up to "normal" standards, if there’s such a thing. With time we are realizing, this comes with lots of fun, to-do lists (lol) and most important responsibilities. Responsibilities not only towards our children but also towards society, endured by the next generation. With that in mind, in lieu of our baby registry; we humbly request you to generously contribute to Akshaya Patra providing food to hungry school children, a secular non-profit in a public-private partnership with the Government of India. Their vision is, ‘No child in India shall be deprived of education because of hunger’. In India, some .underserved kids work instead of going to school, as their families cannot provide basic meals. To this end, The Akshaya Patra Foundation implements the world's largest mid-day meal program, feeding over 1.7 million children at 14,314 schools in India. Your 20 dollars can extricate a child from a year of hunger & malnutrition and possibly a life of illiteracy & poverty. We will appreciate your comments with any questions/feedback. Please accept our earnest gratitude in advance for this noble deed! Anuja Maheshka Sumit Saraf
Campaign Donors
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