Children's Hunger To Happy Campaign

Campaign Goal Rs. 20,000.00
Raised So Far Rs. 0
Start Date
Nov 02, 2017
End Date
Feb 01, 2018
Note: Rs. 1100 can feed a child for a year
Campaign Overview
There is hope! Children are our future, full of dreams and aspirations. As a nation, let's not let them down and fuel their world, life and imagination. Anna Daan is something which gives utmost happiness and pleasure to the giver and almost a life to the receiver. Give these children the nutrition and health they need to take on the future of our country through Akshaya Patra's hygienic and wholesome food service to government schools that reaches 1.6 million children as of today. This campaign spreads the awareness and happiness in order to reach out to more children dying of hunger and malnutrition. Let's vow to eradicate hunger and poverty in India. Donate
Campaign Donors
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