Donate 100rs For Hungry Kids

Campaign Goal Rs. 10,000.00
Raised So Far Rs. 0
Start Date
Sep 17, 2018
End Date
Oct 15, 2018
Note: Rs. 1100 can feed a child for a year
Campaign Overview
Help these kids and children to overcome their hunger. I know you would have many thoughts in your mind, however, trust me this was an NGO who is really helping people to overcome hunger and they really need support. Also, the Robinhood army who is helping people to overcome hunger has donated his amount in this foundation through KBC. When you go to a restaurant do you even think that whether you would get good food or not and sometimes even you waste your money? If you just donate 500rs to these people you would not believe how many blessings you would get from a child who would eat food through your money just think about it and donate as per your wish even 50rs contribution could make a difference for a child or kid who would overcome hunger through your efforts.
Campaign Donors
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