Donate A Gift
Created By : Mr Venu Kumar Mamidi

Campaign Goal Rs. 20,000.00
Raised So Far Rs. 0
Raised fund can feed 0 children/year
Start Date
Feb 19, 2015
End Date
May 19, 2015
Note: Rs. 1100 can feed a child for a year
Campaign Overview
Being at the age of 20+/30+, think of staying a day without taking food.. Really not possible. Think of a kid aged about 3,4,5.. is not able to eat food for weeks.. Isn't not painful. YES It IS..
Forget what PM is doing, what CM is doing.. Donate small 750/-. Imagine with this one small child can happily eat food for 1yr and can go to school happily and can become a better citizen.
Please support.. I'm hungry..
Campaign Donors
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