Feed A Child.. You Can Make A BIG Difference

Campaign Goal Rs. 10,000.00
Raised So Far Rs. 0
Start Date
Jun 24, 2016
End Date
Sep 24, 2016
Note: Rs. 1100 can feed a child for a year
Campaign Overview
Hi All,
I know we all are really busy in the rat race and our lives are so hectic these days that we merely think about doing some noble cause for the society.
Everyone wants to and have to give something good back to the society but due to one or other reason we couldn't.
Here is our chance to Be that Change and make a BIG Impact.. No amount is small..What matters is our intentions and Feelings.. Rs 750 will feed a child for entire year..
Lets' Feed a Child..Im sure your pocket wont get lighter but Your hearts will get richer by doing this...
Support my campaign to support akshaya patra providing hunger free education to school children.
Campaign Donors
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