Feed The Future

Campaign Goal Rs. 25,000.00
Raised So Far Rs. 0
Start Date
Jun 07, 2018
End Date
Sep 06, 2018
Note: Rs. 1100 can feed a child for a year
Campaign Overview
This birthday, support me in helping underprivileged children stay in school by providing them a nourishing mid-day meal. With Rs. 950, an amount you would spend on a meal at a restaurant, you can feed a child for an entire year!
It will ensure that kids get an education instead of skipping school to seek employment to afford a meal. For less than Rs. 3 per day, you can fuel the dreams of kids like Yasira, who aspires to be a doctor: https://www.akshayapatra.org/stories-of-children/yasira-our-would-be-doctor
I am certain that you will help bring about positive change by donating generously through my this campaign supporting Akshaya Patra!
Campaign Donors
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