Fight Against Hunger By Lions Clubs International

Campaign Goal Rs. 11,25,000.00
Raised So Far Rs. 0
Start Date
Jul 01, 2016
End Date
Oct 01, 2016
Note: Rs. 1100 can feed a child for a year
Campaign Overview
This year, Lions Clubs International is celebrating its Centinnial Year. On this big occassion, Lion Naresh Agarwal ( 1st Vice-President (International) who will be taking over as International President in next year) has planned to adopt 25000 students in association with Akshay Patra under our Programme "Fight Against Hunger"
If you want to know more about Lions Club International, then please visit our website
Why we decided to join hands with Akshay Patra ?
> Akshay Patra got ICAI Awards for Excellence in Financial Reporting for the year 2012-13.
> As of now, serving wholesome food to over 1.4 million children from 10,661 schools across 10 states in India. Mission is to reach 5 Million by 2020. You can help the remaining ones.
> With the Target set for this campaign, about 1500 children can get meal for one whole year. Our Centinnial Year District Goovernor of Lions Dist. 323 D2, Lion Chandras Shetty, has a vission to adopt 5000 children in tthis year 2016-17.
> Contribute Rs 750 (or multiple of Rs 750) to sponsor meals for one child (or multiple children) for a year
>Check how is your money spent:
> You get a 100% Tax Exemption Certificate. Check why to donate:
Questions to ourselves:
> How much does a Pizza cost?
> How much does a weekend movie cost?
> What is the cost of the latest mobile?
> How much does our child's Birthday party and toys cost us?
> Can we save some money to feed a child for a year?
Lets make a child SMILE today...
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Campaign Donors
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