Fit To Feed!

Campaign Goal Rs. 25,000.00
Raised So Far Rs. 0
Start Date
Sep 04, 2017
End Date
Sep 27, 2017
Note: Rs. 1100 can feed a child for a year
Campaign Overview
Fit to Feed challenge! Every participant in this campaign challenges his/her 3 friends giving them a fitness task. On completion of such fitness task by friends, the challenger will contribute the pledged amount to Akshaya Patra towards this campaign.The participant can also donate the amount of their choice to Akshaya Patra Eg: I challenge my friend Abhishek, Sonal and Ashok to complete 50 push ups each. On every 50 push ups I will contribute Rs. 100 to Fit to Feed campaign. Once Abhishek, Sonal and Ashok finish the push ups and confirm via a video upload, I will contribute Rs. 300 towards the campaign. You also complete the challenge, donate and pass it on to others.
Campaign Donors
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