Campaign Goal Rs. 50,000.00
Raised So Far Rs. 0
Start Date
Feb 22, 2016
End Date
May 22, 2016
Note: Rs. 1100 can feed a child for a year
Campaign Overview
A street child in India is someone 'for whom the street (in the widest sense of the word, including unoccupied dwellings, wasteland, etc.) has become his or her habitual abode and/or source of livelihood; and who is inadequately protected, supervised, or directed by responsible adults'.
It is estimated that more than 400,000 street children in India exist. Mainly because of family conflict, they come to live on the streets and take on the full responsibilities of caring for themselves, including working to provide for and protecting themselves. Though street children do sometimes band together for greater security, they are often exploited by employers and the police.
Their many vulnerabilities require specific legislation and attention from the government and other organizations to improve their condition.
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