Hungry Children Need Your Help

Campaign Goal Rs. 50,000.00
Raised So Far Rs. 0
Start Date
Oct 22, 2018
End Date
Nov 20, 2018
Note: Rs. 1100 can feed a child for a year
Campaign Overview
Akshaya Patra foundation strives very hard to eliminate classroom hunger by implementing the Mid-day meal scheme in government schools and government-aided schools across India. In addition to this Akshaya Patra also improving the life of socio-economically disadvantaged children by providing essential nutrients and supporting the right to education. Ever since I was young, I have a great interest in helping the poor people by providing food, clothes etc. Now I would like to contribute a little through this fundraising campaign to support Mid-day meal program which provides lunch to children through Akshaya Patra.
My goal is to raise a fund of about Rs.50, 000/- within a period of one month which can feed about 50 children for one full year. The funds raised will be donated to ‘Akshaya Patra Foundation’. Your money ultimately is for the children. Every donation is diligently spent for the food that is served directly or indirectly.
I sincerely urge you to support these kids wholeheartedly & make this initiative a grand success. Always remember one thing, "When we dedicate ourselves to feeding the world, we are in fact doing god's work". Your friendship and support mean a lot to me. I thank you in advance for your support. Your donation is greatly appreciated and will be donated to the organization. You can donate money to this programme through the Akshaya Patra website.
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Once again my sincere thanks for your kind and generous support.
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