Hungry For Education
Created By : Mr Gaurav Sahu

Campaign Goal Rs. 20,000.00
Raised So Far Rs. 0
Raised fund can feed 0 children/year
Start Date
Jan 22, 2015
End Date
Apr 22, 2015
Note: Rs. 1100 can feed a child for a year
Campaign Overview
Hungry for Education
What can you get for Rs 750?
Either a lot. Or very little. But you'd be surprised to know that Akshaya Patra can feed a child for one whole academic year for Rs 750! Help us feed more children and keep their Hunger for school alive.
Hunger leads a child to take the path which no child ever want to take. It's a long and hard road to a plate of food that's why we (The Akshaya Patra Foundation) go the distance to feed children.
So come join and support us to make a better India.
Every penny counts
Campaign Donors
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