Kerala Flood Relief - Sachinist

Campaign Goal Rs. 25,000.00
Raised So Far Rs. 0
Start Date
Aug 20, 2018
End Date
Aug 22, 2018
Note: Rs. 1100 can feed a child for a year
Campaign Overview
Kerala is almost 700km long & is one of the most densely populated states in India. Contrast it with Chennai which is a 70km circle metro city. Chennai gets an annual rainfall of 120cm, compared to Kerala with 3500mm (national avg being 900mm). Even with normal rains, floods are very common in Kerala. In 2015, I personally experienced Chennai floods, which was the result of 102% excess rains in a few days. #KeralaFloods in 2018 is the result of 300% excess rain, meaning 3500*3=10,000mm rainfall in a matter of few days! 100+ people already dead, 14/14 districts submerged in water, 36/39 dams opened, 44/44 rivers overflowing. Airports, railways, roads, electricity, telecom, internet, nothing. Everyone whom we know are all stranded in water, waiting for their rescue/slowly perishing with no water, food, medicines, nothing. Includes our parents, relatives, loved ones, children, elderly, deceased, pregnant ladies, etc etc etc. Water levels are rising and there is no sight of rains subsiding.. In this situation lets support Akshaya Patra providing flood relief to Kerala. Donate through this campaign
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