Lets Do Our Part

Campaign Goal Rs. 30,000.00
Raised So Far Rs. 0
Start Date
Oct 12, 2016
End Date
Jan 12, 2017
Note: Rs. 1100 can feed a child for a year
Campaign Overview
#Lets do our Part :-
India is Hungry For Education
- India is home to 400 million children,43% are malnourished(1/3 of world's undernourished children). we never knew how many Abdul kalams were among them and hungry for school.
- India’s Midday meal scheme is largest school feeding programme the world feeding 120 million children everyday in govt & govt aided schools to provide means to their education and let their families escape out of vicious cycle of poverty.
- To know that, it has boosted the school attendance of students and improved children nutrition yearly is a positive note to begin with.
- Of these,Akshaya Patra is the world’s largest (not-for-profit run) mid-day meal programme serving wholesome nutrional wholesome food to over 1.6 million children from 13,210 schools across 11 states in India.
For every donation of just Rs 950/-, a child is fed a healthy, tasty mid-day meal every school day, for an entire year.
We shall do our part so that,No child shall be deprived of education because of hunger.
Here is a campaign I created to let you know about it. Donate through this campaign (or) you can donate directly to Akshayapatra: https://www.akshayapatra.org/onlinedonations
You can be the reason and means for a kid to attend school for an year.
Tax exemption benefits:
If you want to check what do they do and how well they do it,check this link:You will love thier work.
Support my campaign to support akshaya patra providing hunger free education to school children.
Campaign Donors
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