Lets Do Our Part

Campaign Goal Rs. 10,000.00
Raised So Far Rs. 0
Start Date
Nov 28, 2015
End Date
Dec 15, 2015
Note: Rs. 1100 can feed a child for a year
Campaign Overview
#Lets do our Part :-
India is Hungry For Education
- India is home to 400 million children,43% are malnourished(1/3 of world's undernourished children).we never knew how many Abdul kalams were among them and hungry for school.
- India’s Midday meal scheme is largest school feeding programme the world feeding 120 million children everyday in govt & govt aided schools to provide means to their education and let their families escape out of vicious cycle of poverty.
- To know that, it has boosted the school attendance of girls by 12% and improved children nutrition by 2014 is a positive note to begin with.
- Of these,Akshaya Patra is the world’s largest (not-for-profit run) mid-day meal programme serving wholesome nutrional food to over 1.4 million children from 10,845 schools across 10 states in India.
For every donation of just Rs 750/-, a child is fed a healthy, tasty mid-day meal every school day, for an entire year.
Let this social networking web,help us find means to their education.
We shall do our part so that,No child shall be deprived of education because of hunger.
Here is a campaign i created to let you know about it.u can donate to this campaign and we will doante on your behalf (or) you can donate directly to Akshayapatra: https://www.akshayapatra.org/onlinedonations
You can be the reason and means for a kid to grow to attend school for an year.
Pleas lets stop talking and criticizing the system. Lets do our part.
Tax exemption benefits:
If you want to check what do they do and how well they do it,check this link:You will love thier work.
Campaign Donors
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