Lets Feed To A Child In Need
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Campaign Goal Rs. 75,000.00
Raised So Far Rs. 0
Raised fund can feed 0 children/year
Start Date
Aug 16, 2017
End Date
Oct 11, 2017
Note: Rs. 1100 can feed a child for a year
Campaign Overview
Its not a Donation, Its a need. Lets Donate to future generation of India, its not only food but education too.Because this healthy Mid-Day Meals, attracts poor children to come to School. Lets just not feed India, but also educate them . Let's do it with Akshaya Patra - providing 'Food for Education' and create synergy. We can't go to every school to Donate, but we can Surely Take Out Rs.5 to Rs.950 for a child. Thank you. Please Contribute.
Campaign Donors
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