Lets Fight Hunger!!!

Campaign Goal Rs. 5,000.00
Raised So Far Rs. 0
Start Date
Jul 04, 2015
End Date
Aug 22, 2015
Note: Rs. 1100 can feed a child for a year
Campaign Overview
Have you ever thought about what its like to not have food? I am sure that most people do not have to worry about being hungry everyday, but there are people who do. There are currently 925 million people that are starving in the world today.There are so many around the world that are dying every minute from starvation, but by raising awareness, showing the statistics, and giving ideas, we can end world hunger.
So,together we could make difference to their lifes !!! we could RAISE MONEY, start food drives and lets contribute something to society and help those in need.
Lets donate how much ever we can no matter how small or big it is !!! Lets give our helping hand to needy and see smiles on their faces :)
Campaign Donors
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