Need To Feed

Campaign Goal Rs. 1,00,000.00
Raised So Far Rs. 0
Start Date
Aug 16, 2017
End Date
Nov 15, 2017
Note: Rs. 1100 can feed a child for a year
Campaign Overview
First thing one needs is to feed himself or herself. Inspite of rapid rise of indian economy, it is pity that crores of indians still sleep empty stomach. When we enjoy the life they cannot sleep due to hunger. As proud indians it should be our fundamental duty to do something for them. First thing we can do to feed them personally but due to fast pace of life and little time we are unable to do so therefore to associate with some organizations which are doing something in this direction. Akshaya patra is doing very good work and we can associate with this organization and feel some pride that we did something for needy. Believe me with this feeling you will sleep with great satisfaction and better belongingness in this mortal world. so doante tthrough this campaign and support Akshaya Patra feeding hungry school children
Campaign Donors
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