Nourished Minds Study Better

Campaign Goal Rs. 60,000.00
Raised So Far Rs. 0
Start Date
Feb 01, 2017
End Date
Mar 31, 2017
Note: Rs. 1100 can feed a child for a year
Campaign Overview
Let us motivate underprivileged students to attend school. Let us help in building more kitchens so that more meals could be served to these needy students.
Akshaypatra is the world's largest NGO-run midday meal programme. This organisation’s mission is to ensure that “No child in India shall be deprived of education because of hunger”, aiming at giving 5 million children access to midday meals by 2020. Akshaya patra has one of the lowest administration costs where about 84% of funds directly , indirectly are spent on food. On the occasion of my 60th birthday, I have commenced a campaign with Akshaypatra and would request you to send your wishes through donations to the same.
Campaign Donors
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