Share For India's Future

Campaign Goal Rs. 1,00,000.00
Raised So Far Rs. 0
Start Date
Jun 22, 2016
End Date
Aug 09, 2016
Note: Rs. 1100 can feed a child for a year
Campaign Overview
An impact study conducted with the aim of understanding and establishing the need, impact and continuance of implementing the mid-day meal programme of Akshaya Patra. Thorough research was conducted by Sigma Research and Consulting Pvt. Ltd across all the three feeding population categories i.e. beneficiaries of Centralised kitchens, Decentralised kitchens and Anganwadi Centres. The outcome of this study clearly establishes the positive impact of the mid-day programme. Classroom hunger was addressed significantly, with attendance and enrolment receiving a boost. The recommended nutritional requirements were being fulfilled and the food was healthy and hygienic too. Both parents and children confirmed to partaking the mid-day meal together, irrespective of caste, religion and economic status. This trend was observed across all locations signifying the importance of universalisation of the meal. It was realised that there is always room for improvement, and hence taking this study as a reference, Akshaya Patra will continue to better our processes and services in implementing the mid-day meal programme. Let us do our bit to help them expand the reach and help our future by encouraging children to attend school. What it takes: Rs. 2250 Feeds 3 children for a year.
Support my campaign to support akshaya patra providing hunger free education to school children.
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