Start Giving On Your Child's Birthday

Campaign Goal Rs. 21,000.00
Raised So Far Rs. 0
Start Date
Jun 30, 2017
End Date
Jun 29, 2018
Note: Rs. 1100 can feed a child for a year
Campaign Overview
It was a god bless that I was celebrating my child's 6th birthday and i wanted to be satisfied if this Prasaadi program ends with a great joy. I felt something which can give an immense satisfaction from this program if I share some food with other children which I don't know even nobody knows from us. I planned to donate some money to Akshaya-Patra foundation which serves mid day meal for school children I can donate online in a few clicks. It was a very easy way to spread happiness with other children and in revert it gives me high level of satisfaction at the end. I appeal to you too to to donate to akshaya patra throgh my campaign and support feeding many children and get the satisfaction.
Campaign Donors
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