Support For Education Of Coastal Areas Children

Campaign Goal Rs. 86,550.00
Raised So Far Rs. 0
Start Date
Jun 27, 2017
End Date
Aug 31, 2017
Note: Rs. 1100 can feed a child for a year
Campaign Overview
“Child is the Father of Nation” and “Today’s Children are Tomorrow’s Citizens”; these two proverbs are unique in their meanings and conveying messages. But OPPORTUNITIES for development and resources is the PRELIMINARY thing for each child to become tomorrow’s planners, executors and citizens. And the same is DENIED to the coastal areas’ children due to parents’ illiteracy/ignorance/poverty/non-income options, children’s orphan-hood, and many of such reasons. EDUCATION is the prime and basic thing needed towards becoming the “TOMORROW’s Citizens and many of the rural and coastal children of laboring, orphan, destitute are blessed with skills, capacity and talents, which they cannot USE themselves to have development until somebody helps and molds them or else they will become void, anti-social elements! A healthy childhood is inevitable to become a healthy, active and hard working youth or man. Though there are many of such issues the children face over our working areas, due to lack of lactation and nutrition, the faces of children are pales, squalid & mangy and they are having a lot of health and mental problems too, we are committed to work for helping about 250 children to get education by providing them educational materials to make them studious. There are many occasions that we came across that children are drop outs due to non-occupancy of Text Books, Note Books, Uniforms, Bags, Even plates for Mid-day meals, dictionaries, Pencils/Pens and such basics. When these resource poor and orphan children are without even these basics, they become a mocking object by other children and even by teachers too, often they get beaten and scolded, which make these children mentally humiliated and they stop schooling!! Hence it is our humble and earnest request and prayer to all that your support will be of a unique thing for providing LIFE to a CHILD. Let your support be a small amount, BUT it worth a LIVING!!! So let us join our hearts and mind to save these children……
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