Campaign Goal Rs. 20,000.00
Raised So Far Rs. 0
Start Date
Feb 14, 2017
End Date
May 11, 2017
Note: Rs. 1100 can feed a child for a year
Campaign Overview
Food is everybody’s basic need. If this basic need is not made accessible, every other aspect of life becomes less important. One-third of the world’s undernourished children are from India. These children cannot study without food, and cannot earn without an education. They need to be released from this vicious cycle. Malnutrition in India - the facts. -59 per cent of children in India under the age of five suffer from malnutrition -Up to 25 per cent of infants are born with low birth weight, which makes them predisposed to malnutrition and disease -There are approximately 61 million undernourished children in India -Half the children living in the 100 poorest districts of India suffer from malnutrition, by the age of two -Because of poor information campaigns, 92 per cent of mothers have never heard of ‘malnutrition’ -According to the World Children’s Report 2013 prepared by UNICEF, India ranks 49th in the Under 5 mortality rate. -80 million children drop out of school before attaining 8 years of age -Over 8 million children in India are out of school -The roots of malnutrition lie in poverty, lack of education and inequality, so these problems need to be addressed with urgency. So, Let us join hands to eradicate malnutrition from India.
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