What Can You Get For Rs 750?
Campaign Goal Rs. 11,00,000.00
Raised So Far Rs. 0
Start Date
Nov 28, 2014
End Date
Feb 11, 2016
Note: Rs. 1100 can feed a child for a year
Campaign Overview
Lets go by Akshay Patra Facts:
-> Akshay Patra got ICAI Awards for Excellence in Financial Reporting for the year 2012-13.
-> Since 1958, only 3 organizations (all categories) have been qualified to appear in the Hall of Fame (ICAI): Infosys, Nucleus Software and The Akshaya Patra Foundation. Amongst NGOs Akshay Patra is the first.
-> As of now, serving wholesome food to over 1.4 million children from 10,661 schools across 10 states in India. Mission is to reach 5 Million by 2020. You can help the remaining ones.
-> With the Target set for this campaign, about 1466 children can get meal for one whole year.
-> Contribute Rs 750 (or multiple of Rs 750) to sponsor meals for one child (or multiple children) for a year
-> Check how is your money spent: https://www.akshayapatra.org/how-your-money-spent
-> You get a 100% Tax Exemption Certificate. Check why to donate: https://www.akshayapatra.org/why-we-need-your-support
Questions to ourselves:
-> How much does a Pizza cost?
-> How much does a weekend movie cost?
-> What is the cost of the latest mobile?
-> How much does our child's Birthday party and toys cost us?
-> Can we save some money to feed a child for a year?
Campaign Donors
- Wow!, Congrats, You have a chance to become first Contributor!
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