Wise Children = Rise India And Healthy Children = Wealthy India

Campaign Goal Rs. 75,000.00
Raised So Far Rs. 0
Start Date
Jun 07, 2018
End Date
Sep 05, 2018
Note: Rs. 1100 can feed a child for a year
Campaign Overview
Friends ! India a country, a region, a land of history, civilization and diversity. India is all of us, the Indians. We all have been successful in our life in various means, thanks to the blessings of mother India and unified efforts of the fellow Indians. We must make sure that we as a country of Indians keep breaking through the challenges towards the continued success and for that, we need our future generations to be wisest and healthiest. For that to happen we must keep sending all our Indian children to the schools and keep them healthy. Many children don't have their parents able to support them in this common mission but that will not stop our children from getting the education because we will all get together to safeguard the future soldiers of our country to march forward and keep the glory of India bright a foremost. To the least but very importantly, let us fund the noble campaign supporting Akshay Patra which is providing food for education. India needs you always and India thank you for your give back to the society! Jai Bharat! Donate
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