How is your money spent
Your money ultimately is for the children. Every donation is diligently spent for the food that is served directly or indirectly. On an average, 84% of the total cost is used towards meeting the programme cost and 10% towards the programme management cost. 6% of the total cost is steered towards meeting fundraising and communication costs.The organisation upholds maximum transparency in funds utilisation.
Cost break-up of the organisation
The analysis of the total revenue expenditure for the year 2014-15
Cost Per Meal Calculation
Cost Elements |
Cost per Meal |
11.42 |
Cost of materials & utilities, distribution costs and factory overheads including manpower, Repairs, depreciation and other factory running expenses |
Administrative Overheads |
0.42 |
Cost of activities relating to General Management and Administration |
Outreach Cost |
0.62 |
Cost of publicity, communication, Donor Reporting, Advocacy and travel related |
Gross Cost per Meal in Rs. |
12.46 |
Less: Subsidy from Government per meal |
6.28 |
Less: Interest and other income |
1.38 |
Cost to be absorbed by TAPF per meal through donations |
4.8 |
National Average of school working days in an academic year |
232 |
Cost to run the MDM program for 1 child per year in Rs. |
1,113.96 |
Rounded off to |
1,100.00 |
Note: Revised as on 10th January 2018
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