Sponsor A School For A Year
Donate to a School of your choice for a year!
Akshaya Patra caters to over 10,800 Government and Government aided schools across India. All these Schools receive freshly cooked, hot meals from Akshaya Patra. As the children eat more if the food is tasty for them, Akshaya Patra kitchens cook food that is made for the local palate. For example: Roti, Sabji and Bhath in the North and Rice Sāmbhar and Curd in the South.Many savouries are also part of the menu quite frequently.
Our only wish is that the children eat healthy quantities of food and meet their nutritional requirements. School children in urban, semi urban and rural India and even schools from remote villages will enjoy these delicious meals with your support.
You can now choose to sponsor a school for an entire year.
Thank you for your support!!
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