Mid Day Meal Programme Implementation
While implementing the mid-day meal programme, the Central and State Governments work hand in hand. Central Government issues guidelines to be followed by State Governments while executing the scheme. However, there are some states that have issued guidelines different from Central Guidelines.
A National Steering-cum-Monitoring Committee is set up to monitor the programme, assess its impact and provide policy advice to Central and State Governments. Central assistance in the form of subsidies is released upon submission of the committee’s Annual Work Plan by the Programme Approval Board.
Steering-cum-Monitoring Committees are also set up at a state level to monitor the programme. A nodal department is authorised to take responsibility. Implementation cells are organised by the nodal department and one officer is appointed at each district and block level to oversee effective implementation of the programme.
The Panchayats/ Urban Local Bodies are in charge of the scheme in states where primary education is entrusted to them.
Flow of Funds
The Ministry of Human Resource Development is the nodal agency for sanctioning funds and supply of food grains (central assistance) to the states on behalf of the Government of India.
Flow of Grains
Source of images: Planning Commission, Govt. of India
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